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Friday, October 7, 2011

My Very First Attempt with Photo Editing..

I was looking around in my facebook pictures when I saw my 'photo editing ' album. So, I decided to save and republish the pictures in my blog.

When I first learn to do image manipulations, I don't even know what is 'subject', a stranger to short form terms (b&w), don't know what is composition, not even familiar with dodging and so on. Basically, I am totally zero in photography world.

The only reason why we bought a DSLR at the first place is just because we are going to UK and I wanted to have super duper clear pictures there. I am really grateful that we did this because my digital camera suddenly got jammed when we reached UK.

So, back to the topic.  Hubby installed Photoshop CS3 and LightRoom in the laptop with the hope that I will learn something from it. I think he really wanted me to learn 'something' and I don't have any intention to get involve with it (at first).

However, everything started when I first took my cousin's actual wedding day pictures ( Mr. & Mrs Reynold ). Oh my first time operating a DSLR is using the setting manually. Hubby never taught me the auto setting and I don't dare to change the setting. So most of my pictures during the wedding is either too dark or too bright. Honestly, I love most of my shot but need to do something about the pictures. This is where I first started doing editing.

At first, I edited those pictures by doing the basic things like image adjustment; brightness/contrast and black/white. I learnt to use the 'healing brush' and yes, this is one of my favourite as I can make myself flawless too. 

My first editing project got myself hooked more to manipulation and deviation. However, after a while I realize that less is more. So, I started to emphasized more on my photography skills rather than depending fully on photoshop and I applied it during Mr & Mrs Fitzer actual wedding day photoshot.

After some time, I stopped photography 'businesses' due to my busy work.

Now I know, we really need to practice a lot in order to get the desire image/effect.

So this is some of my first attempt doing editing...

The happy workers.

The Happy Teachers.

Multi tasking!!!!


Took in Hyatt Kota Kinabalu

Waiting & playing hp games.

Through thick and thin...

Aaron in Wonderland.

P/S: Guess I have to start back from the beginning AGAIN!!!

Emelda Shabelle

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