Sunday, June 29, 2014
Sekilas mengenai perbezaan vitamin B-Complex Shaklee
Para saintis Shaklee telah mencipta asid folik secara semulajadi yang pertama di dunia dengan kadar kebolehserapan yang sangat tinggi dan berkualitiIni adalah kerana, asid folik yang semulajadi tidak mudah untuk diserap oleh tubuh dan hampir 99% yang terdapat dalam pasaran bersifat sintetik.B-Complex Shaklee mengandungi 8 komponen penting vitamin B, termasuklah 100% dan asid folikKesemua 8 komponen ini perlu ada pada vitamin b-Complex untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan dan keberkesanan yang sempurna.Kelebihan atau kekurangan akan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan vitamin B dalam tubuhVitamin B adalah vitamin larut-air, sebarang lebihan tidak akan disimpan sebaliknya disingkirkan melalui pencernaan.Oleh itu, adalah sangat penting untuk kita mengambil vitamin B-Complex setiap hariShaklee B-Complex will not cause rosary fungus or infected active yeast bacteria like B-Complex extract from beer yeast.
Khasiat utama vitamin B-Complex
1. Menukar makanan kepada tenaga
Membantu penghadamanMembantu menukar lemak, karbohidrat dan protein kepada tenaga, dan sekaligus mengurangkan masalah keletihan / kelesuan
2. Melawan tekanan
Memastikan kesihatan fungsi saraf, sekaligus meredakan sakit kepala, tekanan, kemurungan dan insomnia
3. Membantu tumbesaran
menggalakkan tumbesaran yang sihat dan normal bagi bayi dan kanak2membantu pembinaan DNA dan sel2 baru serta mengurangkan risiko kecacatan otak atau tulang belakang
4. Rambut beruban dan gugur
membaiki masalah kulit kepala, kelemumur, rambut gugur, berubanmengekalkan kesihatan rambut
5. Baik untuk mata
mengurangkan masalah keletihan matamencegah katarakmeningkatkan kualiti penglihatanperkasakan memori dan daya pemerhatian serta fokus
6. Mencegah anemia
membantu pembentukan sel darah merah yang sihat dan antibodimerangsang sirkulasi darah dalam tubuhmerendahkan paras sistin untuk kesihatan kardiovaskularmerawat atau mencegah anemia, sakit kepala, pening, lemah semangat, keletihan, migrain, muntah2, mabuk darat atau laut
7. Meredakan senggugut
baik untuk masalah senggugut (PMS),meredakan kerisauan, keresahan dan masalah penghadaman, terutamanya mereka yang mengambil ubat hormon dan ubat tahan sakit
8. Mencegah perlcche
dikenali juga sebagai kerekahan mulut (mouth chilitis)mencegah jangkitan lidah (glossitis)nafas berbau
9. Detoksifikasi
meredakan alahan
Cara memilih vitamin B-Complex yang terbaik
mengandungi kesemua 8 vitamin – B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, asid folik dan biotin sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam RDA (kesemuanya perlu diambil pada masa yang sama)harus mengandungi 100% RDA untuk asid folik dan biotinpastikan jurang peratusan nilai harian B1, B2, b3 dan B12 tidak terlalu besarelakkan pengambilan B-Complex yang menawarkan rumusan larut-air (sustain release)
Urin kuning selepas mengambil B-Complex Shaklee?
ini merupakan situasi normal kerana B-Complex merupakan vitamin larut dan ia mengandungi elemen kekuninganpada peringkat awal pengambilan, tubuh kita akan melakukan timbang tara terhadap kadar penyerapan, dan tahap kekuningan akan berkurangan dari masa ke semasa
B-Complex merangsang metabolisma dan menyebabkan tubuh kita mengeluarkan haba, oleh itu pengambilan air putih atau teh herba yang banyak adalah sangat digalakkan
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Shading & Contouring
Hi all....
When I first learnt makeup (only last for 1 month), the first thing that the makeup artist (The Late Shawn) taught us (my sister and I) was on how to apply shading or to contour the face. The technique that he demonstrated to us is basically makeup shading for event or bridal.
When I was appointed as a makeup artist for our school drama team last year, I used a lot of shading for the students just to suit the characters (old lady, drugs addict, ghost etc) with the theme. I think different skills in shading are needed to achieve the best features that we trying to create.
Click here for the tips.
Here are some of the shading techniques that I found interesting.
Click here for tips.
1) Find the cheek bones, shade underneath it perfectly.
2) Find the jaw line! Identify the shape of jaw line (small or big)
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Shaklee was the first company to create a soy-based protein supplement. In fact, the first soy isolate ever created was developed by Dr. Shaklee in the early 1970s. Over the years, clinical trials have proven what Dr. Shaklee knew back then-soy protein is a key building block to maintaining good health. Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein has been recognized worldwide with most extensive clinical studies carried out on the product and the highest quality of protein made out of plant. It contains only non-GMO (non-Genetically Modified Organism) soybeans which are processed under low temperature. Moreover, each 850g tin of Energizing Soy Protein is derived from 25kg of soybeans and it is an instant energy booster that last for hours.
Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein contains 22 types of amino acids and it is the only product in the market that guarantees providing 9 essential amino acids which cannot be produced by human body. It is suitable for all ages – young and old. The protein of soybean is twice of meat, 4 times of egg, 12 times of milk, low in fat, no cholesterol, no uric acid and easier absorbs by the body.
Key Benefits:
Ø Stay Youthful – Amino acids make human’s muscles, nails, hair, blood, organs, skin, glands, 50,000 types of protein, 20,000 types of enzymes etc. Regular consumption of Energizing Soy Protein is the key to maintain youthful skin and muscles and keep us energetic.
Ø Natural Plant Based Hormone – Soy bean is the only plant rich in isoflavones which is similar to the functions of women’s hormones. It helps in reducing cholesterol level and preventing osteoporosis and heart disease.
Ø Improves Men’s Prostate – Genistein in soy bean has been proven that it has the ability to suppress the growth and prevent cancer cells from spreading. It destroys free radicals in our cells before free radicals mutate cells’ DNA into cancel cells. It also improves uterus and ovary menopause and prostate enlargement.
Ø Radiant Skin Supple Muscles –Stimulates regeneration of skin and muscles, improves wrinkles, anti-aging, restore the skin radiance and muscles suppleness, thus accelerate wound recovery and minimize scar.
Ø Instant Energy Booster – Provides energy instantly and enhances immune system, thus improve lethargy, migraine, insomnia and stress related symptoms such as depression, anciety, nervousness etc.
Ø Improves Pigmentation – Improves grey-haired, hair loss, hair condition problems, pigmentation, freckles, age spot
Ø Improves Memory – Improves memory, vitality, sexual ability, responsiveness etc.
The Importance of Protein
Protein is the key ingredient in forming various organs and tissues in our body as well as the major component of our body’s hormones. It also regulates physiological functions. Therefore, every parts of our body need protein. Protein deficiency will lead to poor immune system to counter disease, unable to excrete excess water in the body which caused swelling of body, loss of muscles suppleness, change of hair colour, stagnant growth, indigestion, unable to produce blood and hormones and lastly, organs malfunction which eventually lead to death.
What Is Amino Acids?
Protein is collective term for more than 20 types of amino acids. Amino acids are arranged like alphabets; different type of amino acids is arranged to form different type of protein. These amino acids will be rearranged according to the needs to form the required protein and enzymes.
Certain amino acids in our liver can be converted from other type of amino acids. These are known asnon-essential amino acids. However, certain amino acids cannot be formed by the liver itself but can only be acquired from food which is also known asessential amino acids.
This product is produced from non-GMO soy beans by using the unique IPP (Identity Preserved Program) procedures which ensures that soy beans are free from exposure to genetically modified soy beans. Strict quality controls are imposed on the soy beans from planting to production.
2 -3 times a day, 2 tablespoons each time (empty stomach)
(Mix with Meal Shake and Performance)
Do you know?
The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates based on their impact on blood sugar level. Carbohydrates that break down quickly have the highest glycemic indices (G.I.) while those with a low G.I. break down sugar slowly, releasing glucose into the system. Keeping blood sugar levels low is important to weight loss and long term health.
Some soy proteins are alcohol processed, which not only removes the beneficial isoflavones, but also creates cross contamination with the chemicals used to process it. Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein is water-washed to retain those critical isoflavones genistein & daidzein & provide you with the whole goodness of soy.
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Monday, June 23, 2014
Puasa lebih bermakna dengan MIGHTY 3 GEM SHAKLEE...
Kurang seminggu lagi, umat Islam bakal menjalankan ibadat puasa..
Raikan ramadhan yang bakal tiba ini dengan persediaan yang secukupnya. Anda perlu ambil tahu tentang Mighty 3 Gems. Sebenarnya Mighty 3 Gems ini adalah satu set kesihatan yang disarankan kepada golongan-golongan tertentu untuk mengambilnya ketika menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan. Antaranya ialah ibu yang menyusu anak, ibu yang mengandung, individu yang bekerja berat, individu yang mudah letih berpuasa dan sebagainya. Walaupun ada kelonggaran untuk para ibu yang menyusu dan hamil namun alangkah indahnya jika kita dapat meraikan ramadhan dengan berpuasa penuh. Ketahui pakej istimewa Mighty 3 Gems sempena ramadhan yang bakal menjelang..
Produk ini terbahagi kepada 3 asas utama iaitu untuk membekalkan vitamin, tenaga, zat galian, dan mengekalkan bendalir badan. Tiga produk asas tersebut adalah Mealshake (perasa French Vanilla), Energizing Soy Protein atau ESP (perasa Vanilla) dan Performance Drink atau PD (perasa oren). Kesemuanya ini berfungsi untuk membekalkan nutrien dan keperluan seharian tubuh agar terus kekal bertenaga sepanjang hari.
Jika anda biasa mengalami situasi seperti tidak sempat bersarapan, tidak sempat bersahur atau waktu sahur tinggal 5 minit sahaja! Maka anda disarankan mengambil Mighty 3 Gems sebagai ‘back-up’ anda dalam keadaan terdesak kerana ianya mampu membekalkan tenaga dan keperluan nutrien tubuh sepanjang hari di bulan Ramadhan.
Jika anda berbuka puasa dengan Mighty 3 Gems, satu kelebihan untuk anda kerana ianya memberi anda tenaga untuk menunaikan ibadah Maghrib, Isyak serta bertarawih dan bertadarrus. Akhir sekali, bagi ibu menyusu ia membantu ibu berpuasa sambil menyusukan anak. Begitu juga untuk ibu yang sedang mengandung.
Hubungi saya untuk mendapatkan sebarang maklumat dan konsultasi secara percuma sekarang!
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Sunday, June 22, 2014
Shaklee collagen powder is the ultimate collagen supplement consists of 4,000 mg proprietary RSS (Red Snapper Scale) Collagen, a pure and high quality collagen extracted from the scales of Red Snapper. Shaklee’s extremely low molecular weight collagen, at approximately 1,000 Dalton, is easily absorbed by body and helps to boost the collagen synthesis a the dermis layer effectively.
Seven key ingredients including Camellioa japonica seed extract, Pfaffia extract, fish collagen, shellfish extract, Lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamin C and vitamin Bs, combine to enhance the effectiveness of RSS collagen and support your beauty from inside out.
As our age, our bodies’ collagen depletes gradually. The depletion of collagen leas to the formation of wrinkles and the occurrence of other signs of aging, such as dry , saggy and wrinkle skin, weak and brittle nails, and thin and lifeless hair. Additionally, the factors such as the sun, free radicals in air, waters and food, smoking and et. will make us loss the collagen faster. Loss of collagen also effects the health of our bones and joints such as weak bones and stiff joints. This is because collagen makes up 90% of the bones matrix protein content and two thirds of adult articular cartilage.
This natural loss can be remedied through supplementation! Regular intake of collagen supplements replaces lost collagen and nourishes skin. The benefits of collagen supplements include revitalized and healthy skin, reduced occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles, strengthened nails and improved condition of hair.
Key Benefits:
Anti-ageing – Reduces visible pores, wrinkles and dine lines.
Hydrating – Moisturizes skin to reduce facial dryness and flakiness.
Restores Skin Elasticity – Improves skin firmness, elasticity and suppleness.
Smoothing – Improves skin softness and smoothness.
Nourishing – Promotes stronger nails, thicker and more lustrous hair.
Whitening – Lightens pigmentation, spots and evens out skin tone.
Firming – Helps bust firming and lifting.
Improve Bones and Joints Problems – Collagen is important in strengthen the bones and reduce the pain of joints.
Good for Eyes – To make the eyes muscle elastic.
Provide healthy brain – Glya cells provides the nutrition for brain and supported by collagen. Collagen play an important role to make sure your brain is in healthy all the time when you are getting old.
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Extracted from non-GMO organic soybean, each capsule contains 530mg soy lecithin including 80mg of choline and 48mg of inositol. Lecithin secreted by the body will produce acetyl-choline, inositol, phosphorus and unsaturated fatty acid.
Key Benefits:
Ø Absorbs Fat-soluble Vitamins – Aids our body in absorbing fat-soluble vitamin A, D, E and K.
Ø Protects Liver – Prevents deposit of fats in liver, cirrhosis of the liver and fatty liver. Also helps in restoring liver health.
Ø Breakdowns Fats and Cholesterol – Lecithin is like the “cleaner” of blood vessel, additional consumption helps in emulsifying and metabolizing fat, cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.
Ø Slimming – Prevent obesity. Consume in large quantity to accelerate the burning of fat for a balanced slimming effect.
Ø Beautify Muscles and Skin – Forms cell membranes keep skin moisturized and subtle for beautiful skin, activates cell metabolism and delay ageing.
Ø Improves allergies – Prevents blood platelet activating substance from coiling the tissues in blood vessel, thus improving allergies such as skin disease-dermatitis, hay fever.
Ø Prevents Gallstones – 90% of gallstones were formed by cholesterol, lecithin emulsify the excess cholesterol to prevent the formation of gallstones.
Ø Improves Memory and Eases Stress – Contains choline which develops transmitter for cranial nerve to increase learning power, improve memory, prevent Alzheimer and ease stress. Pregnant ladies should take adequate amount of lecithin for foetus to grow healthy cells.
Ø Prevents High Blood Pressure – Improves high blood pressure by preventing arteriosclerosis and promoting blood circulation.
Ø Improves Men’s Prostate – Studies have proven that men’s prostate and urethra problems can be improved by consuming large quality of lecithin.
Ø Eases Constipation – Lecithin is the most effective stool softener, it moisturize the colon and disintegrate toxins in colon.
For health maintenance: 2 times daily, 3 capsules each time (before or after mean)
For sliming, high blood pressure, breakdown fat: 2-3 times daily, 6 capsules each time (before or after meal)
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Shaklee Difference:
The greatest discovery and invention in immunology
Interferon wad first discovered by an immunology named Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima of Tokyo University in 1954. After 40 years of research and reviewed thousands of compounds and more than 200 different kind of herbs, Dr. Kojima successfully developed the only natural interferon i.e.Nutriferon. He had established that the extract of 4 plants; namely pumpkin seeds, Safflower flowers, Japanese Honeysuckle and Plantago seeds;have the ability to prompt our body’s own production of natural interferon. His unique yet natural formula is safe, pure and effective. His discovery and invention had been recognized as the biggest breakthrough in immunology.
Nutriferon is Shaklee Exclusive Patentedd Formula and not sold in stores. It is available only through Shaklee.
We remove millions of germs and pathogenic bacteria contracted through touching, breathing and food every day. Interferon is the immune system at the forefront to guard against any intrusion. This natural protein protects our body by increasing our immune responses to fight against viruses, germs and microbes.
Nutriferon is named as this protein interfere any bacteria and virus. Interferon is a protein produced by cells when viruses invade them. It is released into the bloodstream or intercellular fluid to induce healthy cells to manufacture an enzyme that counters the infection.
In medical field, interferon injection is used to treat and improve hepatitis, cancer, hydrophobia, herpes and HIV etc. Moreover, it has been proven that interferon is able to protect us effectively from influenza and diseases.
Key Benefits:
Ø Strengthen Immune System In 3 Days – It is the only natural interferon in the world. Studies have shown that interferon is able to stimulate and enhance body’s overall immune system by calling the natural killer in the body to action: T-cells, B-cells and macrophage.
Ø Fights Cancer & Tumor – Natural interferon contains active polysaccharide that stimulates and activates the immunoglobulin to fight against tumor and cancel cells. Also, it can minimize discomfort during chemotherapy treatment.
Ø Protests against influenza – It balances immune responses to allergies of environment and air pollution, effectively protects against harms by various viruses, microbes, which include cold, flu, allergies, inflammation and influenza.
Ø Eases Stress & Lethargy – Eases harms caused by anxiety, stress, lethargy and hectic lifestyle.
Ø Delays ageing – The unique formula of Nutriferon ® stimulates the production of macrophage in order to reduce free radicals, viruses and gems rapidly. Hence, cells become healtier.
Ø Reduces Infections By Hepatitis B & C Patients– The efficacy of Nutriferon ® in combating viruses can reduces the infections and minimize any discomforts, for instance, bloating, nausea, vomit of Hepatitis B &C patients.
Ø Improves Menopause – Hypertension, high cholesterol, blood circulation and other various problems arise from menopause can be improved.
Ø Improves PMS – Clinically proven to improve symptoms caused by imbalance endocrine system. i.e. menstrual cramps, backache, tender breasts, acne, anxiety, insomnia and mood swing.
For health maintenance: 1 sachet a day (pours into mouth directly or mixes with any cold or hot drink anytime)
During treatment of influenza and cancer: 2-3 sachets a day. Best consume with Vitamin C
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CaratoMax Shaklee
Shaklee Difference:
The average daily intake of the carotenoids lutein, lycopene, and beta carotene is only 8mg. CarotoMax provides over 13mg of these highly beneficial carotenoids. The new CaratoMax contains 6 variety of carotene, extracted from a range of vegetables and fruits that are high in anti-oxidant properties e.g. seaweed, tomato, grape seed, broccoli, pot marigold, apple, potato, palm oil etc. Nutricionists recommend us to take 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruits in order to maintain the best beta carotene concentration in the blood, this is to maintain healthy vision, healthy skin and prevent cancer.
Key Benefits:
Ø Safer Than Vitamin A – The earliest discovered vitamin was in 1912 i.e. vitamin A. It was found that over-dosage of vitamin A caused toxicity. However, in 1932, scientists discovered that beta carotene is the precursor of vitamin A and beta carotene is definitely safe for consumption.
Ø Improve Vision – It produces “visual purple” that enable us to maintain our sight in the dark. It improves vision related problems such as, nyctalopia (night blindness), short sighted, presbyopic, astigmatism, xerophthalmia (dry eyes), tired eyes, glaucoma, cataract, floaters, eye bags and dark eye ring.
Ø Relieves Skin Disease – Generous intake can relief skin problems e.g. psoriasis, senile plaque, dry skin, shedding skin, pimples and acne. Can be used externally to treat pustule, scabies, acne, skin ulcer.
Ø Protects Epithelial – It protects the outer layer tissues of cornea, oral cavity, intestines, stomach, lung, bronchus, bladder, uterus during epithelial tissue disintegration, treat digestive tract ulcer.
Ø Fights Cancer and Oxidation – Constant intake of beta carotene to strengthen our immune system, delay ageing and suppress the activity of cancer substance in order to prevent the formation of cancer cells. This will minimize the risk of cancer, especially breast and lung. It can reduce free radical and eliminates oxidized dead cells.
Ø Prevent Infections – Stimulates enzymes to kill germs, prevents and improves the condition of lung respiratory system disease: cough, hepatitis, asthma, flu and cold.
Ø Promote Normal and Healthy Development – Stimulates children/teens development, strengthen bones, protect hair, skin mucous membrane, healthy teeth, gums and reproductive system. Also produces healthy sperms.
Why Yellowish Skin Colour?
The skin of a small number of people will turn yellowish after consuming beta carotene, however this is not jaundice. Corotomax is natural botanic colour. When small intestines’ mucous membrane converts beta carotene to vitamin A, it stimulates bile (yellow in colour) secretion as well as liver and gallbladder detoxification and flow with the blood to our palm, foot sole and face. These natural detoxification and anti-oxidation processes normally last for a few months and will go away slowly; the results are new yet beautiful skin.
For health maintenance: Twice a day a 1 capsule each time (after meal).
For eye disease, during cancer and treatment of illness: Twice a day of 2 capsules each time
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CoQ Health TMPlus features an all-natural proprietary blend of 28mg CoQ10 plus, Vitamin E and Green Tea extract in bioavailable capsule with soy bean oil delivery system to ensure maximum dissolution for better absorption.
What is Coenzyme Q10 and why is it important to our bodies?
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble nutrient found in every cell in the body and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells. Higher CoQ10 are found in abundance in heart muscles – it helps boost energy in the heart. When the heart has more energy, it works better.
CoQ10 has been shown to:
Support energy production in the heart.Promote and protect healthy arteries against LDL oxidation.Improve blood circulationHelp to replenish and maintain CoQ10 levels in the blood.
Shaklee Difference
To get the same 28mg of CoQ10 in CoQHealthTM Plus, you would need to eat nearly 1.7kg of chicken or 28 cups of broccoli.The combination of CoQ10 and Vitamin E is believed to strengthen the antioxidant powers of Vitamin E because CoQ10 helps to recycle and regenerate Vitamin E, allowing it to continue providing antioxidant protection to the body cells.Green Tea Extract contains procyanidins, which have been found to help promote healthy endothelium (the tissues that line blood vessels and heart)CoQ10 comes from natural sources through using a yeast fermentation method. The raw material is the only yest-fermentaed all-natural CoQ10 available today and it is a thoroughly tested, widely trusted and high quality bioavailable CoQ10 source.Gluten Free.
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Ø Safe, natural energy booster.
Ø Includes taurine, enhance alertness, energy, and endurance.
Ø Natural energy alternative to coffee, sodas and sweet snacks.
Ø Without gluten, artificial flavors, colorings and sweeteners.
Shaklee Difference:
Each time you drink Cinch Shake, you get 24 grams of protein. And that’s important! Because protein is used to build muscle, and muscle is what keeps your metabolism up and burns calories. Protein-rich food also hold off hunger, which can help reduce between-meal snacking. And let’s not forget about that muscle-sparing leucine and essential nutrients your body needs.
Ø Provide the benefits of a meal, but taste like dessert.
Ø With Cinch Pro, an exclusive blend of protein enhances with the amino acid leucine.
Ø Powered by Leucine to preserve muscle while you lose weight.
Ø 24 grams of protein per serving to help you feel satisfies and full.
Ø High in fibre with 6 grams per serving.
Ø Low glycemic to retain normal blood sugar levels and sustain energy.
Ø Deliver 35% or more of the Daily Value for 21 essential vitamins and minerals.
Ø Non-GMO soy.
Ø No artificial flavours, colors or sweeteners.
The Dreaded Diet Cycle
On mist diets, you lose fat and muscle. When you lose muscle, you lose your ability to burn fat, and your metabolism drops.
Muscle = Metabolism
When you go off of your diet, you can’t burn calories like you did before. So you gain weight back. This cycle repeat with the next diet. It’s the yo-yo effect.
Powered by Leucine
Specially formulate to help you break the cycle diet, so you:
50 Years of Nutritional Science – Losing weight can be as simple as it is difficult. We’re with you on that. That’s why we put our 50-year nutrition knowledge into making an easier, healthier inch loss plan.
Clinically Tested Leucine Formula. In a recent preliminary trial, shale scientists tested a proprietary formula enhanced with leucine(Leucine is a muscle building amino acid found in certain proteins) This leucine – enhanced nutrition program was shown to retain 100% of lean muscle mass. People in the program lose fat, weight, and inches while retaining their lean muscle.
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Vitamin E Complex by Shaklee
Made of organic soybean oil and wheat germ oil, both are rich in vitamin E extracted the most physiologically active d-alpha tocopheryl, d-alpha tocopherol and combined with 8 types of vitamin E (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta). It is the most complete vitamin E in the market.
Contains 10mg of natural selenium which helps our body to absorb vitamin E, protect cells’ membrane, red blood cells and muscles tissues. It is also a natural detoxifier of heavey metal e.g. mercury, cadmium and strengthens the efficacy of anti-oxidant and protects retina.
Key Benefits:
Ø Protects Heart – Daily consumption of 800IU vitamin E for healthy heart; protect red blood cell membrane to prevent lipid acidification; increase HDL cholesterol; lower blood pressure; reduce blood platelet from sticking to artery wall; prevent haemolytic anaemia, heart disease and brain clog.
Ø Enhance Reproductive Ability – It was discovered in 1924 that vitamin E can restore reproductive ability. Men are able to increase sperm count and reproductive ability by taking 600IU -800IU of vitamin E a day.
Ø Anti-Ageing – 1 capsule of vitamin E a day helps in delay ageing reduces wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and acne and age spots. It can also restore skin texture and tone of face, chest and thighs muscles.
Ø Powerful Anti-Oxidant – Consume more than 1,200IU a day for powerful and effective anti-oxidant to fight cancer, strengthen immune system, prevent or delay tumour growth, decrease damage caused by free radicals. It also improves problems caused by oxidation – cataract and vision problems.
Ø Energy Sustainability – Increase sexual sustainability and energy by supplying more oxygen.
Ø Improves Arthritis – Increase blood vessel’s elasticity, improves blood circulation, treats stiff shoulders, headache, piles, varicose vain, pain from deteriorating arthritis.
Ø Prevents Miscarriage – Treats musculus pectoralis fibrosis of chest muscles, premenstrual syndromes (PMS) and menopause syndromes such as hot flush. Used at clinical tests to prevent foetus death, miscarriage and treat frequent miscarriage.
Ø Repair Scar – Repair inflamed wound and skin ulcer. Can be applied directly on wound to lessen scar.
Note: Nutritionists recommend the consumption of ACE (beta carotene, vitamins C and E) together to multiply the anti-oxidation effects in fighting free radicals.
Do You Take Enough Vitamin E?
For 400IU of vitamin E, one needs to consume the following food for healthy cells to fight free radicals: 1kg of wheat germ, 500ml safflower oil, 8kg of spinach, 500g of almond.
Is Vitamin E Safe?
In the book “Prescription For Longevity” authored by Dr. James Scale had discussed the safety of vitamin E in details. Globally, there are also more than 1000 medical reports on the effectiveness and safety of vitamin E. Years of studies carried out by Harvard University on both males and females showed that vitamin E could reduce the risk of heart disease by 41% and stroke by 33%. Studies also concluded that maximum safe dosage is 3,200IU.
For health maintenance: 1 capsule a day (after meal)
For anti-ageing and reproductive system enhancement: 2 times a day, 1 capsule each time
For fighting cancer and reduce scar: 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time
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Shaklee Difference:
”The science of natural sustained release” vitamin C was first invented by Shaklee. Each tablet of its Vitamin C contain 7.5 serving of whole fruit including skin (500mg) and release 1.5 fruit’s vitamin C into our body every hour. Clinical studies had proven that the vitamin C in 2 tablets of Shaklee Vitamin C (gap of 5 hours) can stay in our blood plasma for 24 hours.
Each table contains 125mg of bioflavonoid (25% bioflavonoid, extracted from fruit skin) which is also called as Vitamin C Complex. It has the ability to increase the effectiveness of Vitamin C in our body, alleviate inflammation and fight bacterial infection and free radicals.
Key Benefits:
Ø Forms Collagen – Stimulates the formation of collagen. Collagen is the basic compound of muscles, tissues, gum, skeleton and cartilage. Therefore, it can improve wrinkles and prevent flabby muscles.
Ø Improve Bleeding Symptoms – Lack of vitamin C is the possible cause of bleeding gum, skin bruises, burn, slow wound recovery, dry skin, rash and rough skin.
Ø Increase Immune System – Build healthy red blood cells for better iron absorption, helps white blood cells to fight bacteria and germs, strengthens immune system, improves allergies of nose and skin, asthma. Also shorten the recovery time and minimize symptoms of flu and cold.
Ø Fight Cancer – It is a powerful anti-oxidant, can increase natural interferon in our body and stimulates T-cells production to fight cancer cells and remove harmful chemical substances from our body effectively. It is also able to eliminate free radicals before they attack our cells.
Ø Beautify Skin – Consume Vitamin C everyday for fairer skin, delay ageing, and suppress the formation of pigment. Pigment is the main cause of forming freckles.
Ø Improve Insomnia – It improves insomnia, stress and mental related problems such as anxiety.
Ø Maintain Healthy Cholesterol – It can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, keeps healthy blood capillary, prevents arteriosclerosis, thrombus, prevents internal bleeding nose bleeding cerebral haemorrhage and scurvy.
1 cigarette can destroy 50-100mg of vitamin C
Anxiety will speed up the depletion of vitamin C
Contraceptive and pain killer will deplete substantial amount of vitamin C
Over dosage of vitamin C (more than 12 capsules) will cause slight diarrhoea.
Do You Know?
Animals can produce their own vitamin C e.g. rabbit can produce 18,000mg (18g) of vitamin C whereas human body is unable to produce vitamin C. Moreover, vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which continually loosing from our body. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamin C every day. Vitamin C has no toxicity effect.
The studies by Dr. James Scala have shown that it is safe to consume 5,000mg (10 tablets) to 10,000mg (20 tablets) Vitamin C a day. Dr. Pauling, who discovered Vitamin C, took 18g (18,000mg) a day was physically healthy even at the age of 94.
Sufficient Vitamin C from Fruit?
Each serving of fruit provides approximately 45-60mg of vitamin C. Fruit produces complete vitamin C in 10 days after the fruit is ripe. Therefore, fruit which is not ripe contains only very little vitamin C. The vitamin C in fruit will reduce to half once it is plucked and destroy when exposed to heat.
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Shaklee Difference:
Most GLA (gama-linolenic acid) available in the market is produced from Evening Primrose Oil (EPO), whereas Shaklee’s GLA is extracted from Borage which contains more than 2 times of GLA in EPO. Borage is 3 times more bioavailability and 3 times more effective than EPO. Shaklee extracts GLA from borage which is planted organically in the district of Saskatchewan.
Each capsule contains more than 300mg GLA which is the best source of Omege-6. It is combined with sunflower oil and vitamin E to increase its potency and stability. The freshness and potency are protected by ShakleeGuard, a patented natural anti-oxidant. Its bioavailability is clinically proven whereby it can be absorb and blend into cells and tissue.
Key Benefits:
Ø A Trusted Traditional Herbs – Borage is the favourite herbs of Westerner. It treats ulcer, removes virus, alleviates fatigue, clears phlegm, relieves nerve numbness and increase body stamina.
Ø Regulate Oestrogen and Testosterone – GLA forms prostaglandins to regulate hormones in men and women, improves PMS symptoms such as pains, aches, acne, mood swing, water retention and tender breasts.
Ø Delay Menopause – Improves menopause conditions such as hot flashes, insomnia, indigestion, depression. Long term consumption will delay ageing, tighten and tone uterus wall to attain youthful skin.
Ø Improves Prostatomegaly – GLA improves men’s prostate and frequent urination problems.
Ø Fights Cancer – GLA is an anti-oxidant that increase body’s immune system, prevents the growing of tumour and cancer cells.
Ø Improves Skin Inflammation – It reduces skin inflammation, eczema, allergies, itchiness, dry-skin, improves age spot, tinea, ringworm. It also relieves pains and swelling arised from minor rheumatism, arthritis.
Ø Prevents Diabetes Complications – Lower blood sugar, effective for diabetes during pregnancy and old age. Relieves numbness and aches caused by high blood sugar.
Ø Slimming and Prevents Weight Gain – Lower LDL cholesterol, effectively prevents overweight, tone skin and muscles gradually for ladies to attain curvy figure, prevents weight gain. Take on empty stomach to suppress hyperacidity.
Ø Prevents High Blood Pressure – Prevents blood clot, stimulates blood circulation, expansion of blood vessel, improves high blood pressure, prevents heart problems such as arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
Ø Improves Hair Texture – Improves dry hair and hair loss conditions.
Ø Hyperactive and Autism (ADD/ADHD) – Clinically proven that GLA and fish oil improve children with autism, difficulty to study and hyperactive.
GLA Is Not Only For Women
A lot of people have the misconception that GLA is only for women. In actual fact, GLA supplements linoleic acid which same as essential amino acids cannot be manufactured by human body, thus need to obtain from food intake. It is important for children (cut open the soft gel to empty the liquid and mix with any food)., growing teens, adult and even after menopause and andropause (male menopause).
For health maintenance: 2 times a day, 1 capsule each time (after meal).
For Menopause, slimming hyperactivity: 2 times a day, 2 capsules each time (after meal)
Posted via Blogaway
Need Calcium? Try Shaklee's Ostematrix.
Shaklee Difference:
The only calcium with the most balanced that ensures 99% absorption rate. Unique formula, made of natural mineral and mineral salt which is rich in the Dead Sea,contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D, zinc, copper, manganese and boron.These nutrients need to be consumed together for absorption of the body and prevent the formation of sediment of some minerals. Studies have proven that supplementation of calcium will increase elderly women’s bone density effectively.
Key Benefits:
Ø Strengthen bones – Calcium prevents osteoporosis, strengthen nails, skeleton, teeth, muscles, nerve system. It also treats fractured bones, osteomalacia (adult rickets), brittle nails, eczema, convulsion/spasm, bleeding gum and stimulates the thickening of blood.
Ø Improve numbness and cramps – Consuming 600mg of calcium before bed will improve numbness, cramps, join pain and arthritis.
Ø Eases stress – It balances blood pressure; maintains regular heart beat, nerve impulses, calms nerve; promotes good night sleep; improves palpitation, nervousness, neightmares and stress. Also improves depression, mood swing, headache, dizziness.
Ø Improves menstrual problems – Studies have shown that consuming of 1,000 mg of calcium and magnesium simultaneously alleviates menstrual and aids in urination.
Ø Alkalisation of body – Calcium is an alkaline mineral, therefore it is effective in maintaining the balance of pH in our body. It prevents obesity during middle age. Additionally, calcium helps cells to absorb nutrient and stimulates detoxification.
Ø Improves stomach hyperacidity and gastric pain
Ø Vitamin D: Names as vitamin D in 1916 when it was discovered that it could treat rickets. It increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in order to increase bone density, strengthen skeleton, improves periodontal disease. Vegetarians, those lack of exposure to sun during summer or hot day, over age of 55, pregnant woman and children should take vitamin D supplement.
Ø Magnesium: This is the no. 2 crucial positive ion of our body. It promotes composition of bone and cartilage. Helps in nerve system, activates enzymes in our body to produce energy, the contraction of nerve and muscles, stabilise irregular heart beat of heart patients, facilitates the smooth excretion of waste from stomach and intestines; prevents calcium sedimentation of calcium; dissolves and reduces the formation of kidney gallstone or gallstone. It is also important for those with glucose fluctuation problem.
Ø Zinc, boron, manganese, copper: Maintains healthy skeletal metabolism and muscle grow, composing enzymes needed for bones, repair cartilage, prevent arthritis.
How to choose for premium calcium:
v Choose those with vitamin D and magnesium
v Do not pick those made of bone meal and dolomite for possible lead content.
v Avoid chelated minerals as such chemistry process will cause the body to absorb polluted heavy metal and toxin in the course of absorbing minerals.
For health maintenance: 2 times daily, 2 tablets each time (after meal)
For menstrual problems, pregnancy, stress, cramps and numbness: 2 times daily, 3 tablets each time
For fractured bones, osteoporosis: 3 times daily, 4 tablets each time
Posted via Blogaway
Monday, June 16, 2014
Awas!!!! Bahayanya Vitamin E jika...
Sila baca label Vitamin E anda di rumah anda jika bukan jenama Shaklee adakah nama saintifiknya d-alpha tocopherol? Jika di awal pangkal bukan huruf 'd', berhati-hatilah kerana ia mungkin vitamin sintetik.
*[ Jadi berhati-hati apabila memilih vitamin dan lihat label, biasanya ia dilabelkan dengan huruf 'I' bagi vitamin sintetik yang membahayakan tubuh badan, berbanding huruf 'd' bagi vitamin semulajadi.]
Hari ini saya kongsikan tentang khasiat Vitamin E Shaklee. Tahukah anda untuk mendapatkan 400IU Vitamin E (bersamaan dengan sebiji capsule Vitamin E Shaklee) anda perlu makan:
1 kilogram gandum500ml minyak safflower8kg badam500g badam
Inilah khasiat-khasiat yang terkandung dalam sebiji kapsul Vitamin E Complex Shaklee..
Menjadikan anda tampak lebih muda, melindungi kulit daripada sinaran UV, kedutan dan jeragat dengan membantutkan penuaan sel yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas serta mencemaran alam sekitar.Melindungi paru-paru daripada pencemaran udara.meningkatkan imuniti tubuh badan dengan menguatkan kuasa sel-T untuk melawan penyakit.Meningkatkan libido (menghangatkan semula hubungan suami isteri).Anti oksidanmembekalkan oksigen ke sel-sel badan.melegakan kesakitan arthristis dan inflamasi sendi.mengurangkan risiko kanser prostat bagi lelakimengurangkan risiko Alzheimer (nyanyuk)Mengurangkan risiko keguguran bagi wanita hamil.menyelesaikan masalah kelesuan.mengurangkan risiko parut yang besar.merendahkan kadar kolesterolmembantu mencegah kansermerendahkan risiko katarak
* Sesuai untuk semua golongan usia; remaja, ibu menyusu, semasa berpantang, suami isteri, warga emas.
Untuk para suami yang mempunyai masalah "LOW COUNT SPERM"
Tambahan Selenium yang terdapat dalam vitamin E Complex Shaklee boleh meningkatkan kualiti air mani & mempunyai kesan bermanfaat dan perlindungan, terutamanya pada motilitas sperma.
** These statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Thsese products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
Untuk order dan details:-
Shaklee Independent Distributor
FB Page: Fabulously In 'N' Out
Posted via Blogaway
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Tinggalkan paracetamol sekarang! Tingkatkan Sistem Imun Anda dengan NUTRIFERON SHAKLEE.
Sistem imun adalah seperti tentera badan kita, yang melawan jangkitan dan penyakit-penyakit yang mengancam
kesihatan dan kecergasan badan. Tanpa pertahanan ini, virus, bakteria, parasit, toksin, dan lain-lain patogen berbahaya akan menyerang badan kita, menjadikan badan kita lemah dan sakit. Tingkatkan Sistem Imun Anda dengan NUTRIFERON SHAKLEE.
Nutriferon penggalak imunisasi (immune booster) ciptaan pakar imun, Dr Kojima dari Jepun. Sangat digalakkan diambil oleh mereka yang punya masalah ANTIBODI yang LEMAH, SENANG SAKIT dan sakit yang lambat recover.
Siapakah yang perlu ambil Nutriferon?
1. Mereka yang sering sakit, selsema, demam.
2. Ibu yang menyusukan anaknya yg mana anaknya demam atau sakit yg berpanjangan.
3. Mereka yang mempunyai masalah imunisasi.
4. Mereka yang sering travel dan kerap ke luar negara.
5. Mereka yang sering stress.
6. Mereka yang terdedah dengan bahaya penyakit.
7. Mereka yang tak suka makan banyak vitamin antioksidan, ACE boleh gantikan dengan Nutriferon sepeket sehari.
8. Mereka yang ada mempunyai allergi dan eczema.
Bagaimana Nutriferon bertindak?
NutriFeron MENINGKATKAN INTERFERON semulajadi badan dan sekaligus MENGUATKAN TINDAK BALAS IMUN badan. Anda kini dah tak perlu ubat2 yang banyak lagi!
Pemakanan tambahan NutriFeron ™ yang direka untuk diambil setiap hari dan merupakan adunan empat ramuan botani ini, apabila digabungkan bersama, untuk membolehkan tubuh secara semulajadi meningkatkan pengeluaran interferon tanpa menambah tekanan kepada badan *:
Ekstrak biji labu (Cucurbita moschata), yang telah didapati dapat mendorong pengeluaran interferon;
Biji Plantago (Plantage asiatica) yang mengandungi bahan kimia yang dipanggil polisakarida yang diguna untuk merangsang sistem imun;
Bunga Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) polisakarida, yang telah dikenalpasti dapat mendorong pembangunan makrofaj, sejenis sel darah putih;
Kuntuman bunga Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) yang digunakan dalam perubatan Asia.
(1) Terbukti daripada Empat Kajian Klinikal Pada Manusia-Campuran fitonutrien yang berkesan dan selamat ini memberi sokongan imun tepat pada peringkat sel. Kajian menunjukkan khasiat kesihatan yang luar biasa dan perlindungan imun yang diperolehi daripada campuran khas empat ekstrak tumbuhan di dalam NutriFeron.
(2) Meningkatkan paras interferon secara semulajadi*-Para saintis dan komuniti perubatan telah mengenalpasti interferon sebagai sesuatu yang amat penting bagi fungsi imun yang sihat. NutriFeron merupakan satu-satunya pemakanan tambahan di U.S. yang dicipta oleh penemu interferon yang boleh menambahkan penghasilan interferon di dalam badan secara semulajadi.*
(3) Dicipta Oleh Individu Yang Menemui Interferon-Ahli imunologi yang terkenal di dunia, Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima merupakan individu pertama yang menemui interferon pada tahun 1954 semasa beliau menjalankan penyelidikan di Universiti Tokyo.
(4) Rumusan Berpaten Yang Eksklusif-NutriFeron tidak dapat dijumpai di mana-mana kedai. Ia hanya boleh didapati melalui Shaklee. Rumusan berpaten NutriFeron yang unik adalah eksklusif kepada Shaklee.Ia telah melepasi satu set ujian-ujian saintifik yang ketat dari segi keselamatan, ketulenan, keberkesanan dan prestasi.
(5) 40 tahun kajian-Setelah menjalankan penyelidikan selama 40 tahun dengan menguji ratusan sebatian semulajadi, Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima telah menghasilkan satu campuran unik daripada empat ekstrak tumbuhan yang menggalakkan pembentukan interferon secara semulajadi di dalam badan.Menurut kajian terbaru, NutriFeron telah berjaya membuktikan kesan positif terhadap serangan sel-sel semulajadi (NK) – menyokong lebih banyak perkembangan untuk sistem sains imunisasi ini.
(6) Sejak NutriFeron ™ telah dibangunkan, beberapa kajian klinikal manusia telah mendokumenkan keberkesanan makanan tambahan ini. Kajian ini, yang telah disiarkan dalam jurnal perubatan, seperti Journal Gastroenterology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy, dan Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine,, mengetengahkan pelbagai faedah yang berkaitan dengan NutriFeron ™.
Para Pengguna dan Pengamal NUTRIFERON Shaklee Ini dinasihatkan supay meminum air masak/air mineral sekurang-kurangnya 3 liter sehari bagi kesan yang lebih efektif. Hal ini amat dititik beratkan kepada semua,
Terutamanya; anak2 yang berusia 1-12 tahun.
Air Mineral yang mencukupi ini juga membantu tubuh bertindak balas Dengan.baik sepanjang proses penyembuhan (healing Crisis)...
Harga runcit bagi Nutriferon
(30 stik x 1.2gram) ialah RM181
Wakil Pengedar Shaklee Anda
♥ Shaklee Independent Distributor
[ ID No : 1105266 ]
♥ Contact Number : 0109304146
♥ SMS/WhatsApp : 0109304146
♥ Emel :
♥ FB Page: Fabulously In 'N' Out
Posted via Blogaway
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Performance Drink untuk preggy mum??
Panassssssss... Apatah lagi kalau sedang preggy, terasa bahang panas dua kali ganda rasanya.. Phewww.. Thanks to PD, at least dapat kurangkan rasa panas, rasa dahaga & sekaligus bagi tenaga...
Tapi, boleh kah Preggy woman minum PD?? Tak bahaya ker??? No worry, PD is much more healthier than minum minuman manis atau minuman bicarbonate..
Let's check who can consume PD and its benefits..
Shaklee menggelarkannya "PERFORMANCE DRINK" ialah kerana telah terbukti di makmal (ujian makmal bersama-sama high-level athletes) bahawa:
(1) Meminimumkan kehilangan cecair untuk memantapkan hidrasi badan. Kurang rasa haus.
(2) Mengalirkan elektrolit sepenuhnya ke seluruh badan, termasuklah kalsium & magnesium (tiada pada minuman isotonik jenama lain).
(3) Menstabilkan paras glukosa di dalam darah untuk mengekalkan tenaga berterusan, serta menambah stamina.
Performance Drink ini sesuai diambil ketika :
# cuaca panas melampau (badandehydrated)
# badan tidak sihat (demam/ selesema/ cirit-birit)
# beriadah dan lain-lain lagi.
Golongan yang sesuai mengambil Performance Drink:
# Mereka yang aktif bersukan .
# Mereka yang berpuasa (diambil semasa sahur dan berbuka).
# Mereka yang menghidap gout.
# Ibu yang menyusukan anak.
# Ibu hamil yang mengalami muntah kronik (terutama muntah air) akibat dari morning sickness, dan tiada selera makan.
# Mereka yang kurang minum air.
# Mereka yang kerap sakit kepala.
# Bila rasa nak demam, atau sedang demam.
# Kanak-kanak yang demam.
# Menggantikan minuman ringan terutama yang berkarbonat (kerana Performance Drink tiada karbonat!)..
Hope those info helping you guys to make a better choice for your health..
P/s: Still, drinking at least 3 liters of plain water is vital for our health ya...
EMELDA 0109304146
Posted via Blogaway
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Ajaibnya BASIC-H Shaklee...
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Chewing gum |
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Padangan dari jauh... |
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Hanya 3 titis Basic H |
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Selepas kurang daripada 1 minit menyental chewing gum.. |
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Yeahhhhhh..... memang terkejut!!!! |
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Dress yang selamat daripada dibuang.... |
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Full testimony... |
Perunding vitamin anda
Emelda Shabelle
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
PERFORMANCE DRINK SHAKLEE; Sesuaikah untuk PREGGY mum??? (Testimoni)
So, after few months of no workout at all, hubby & I decided to have a 'visit' at the gym.. I have to begged hubby to let me do some workout and I promised him that I am not gonna do anything that involve my back and abs... So, before I start my cardio, I drank my PD to keep me hydrated, at least my throat doesn't feel dry. To my surprise, I actually completed my fast walking on treadmill for 55 minutes without feeling any thirst at all.. PD actually gave me energy and keep me hydrated, WOW!!!
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So, right after I completed my workout, I drank ESP (Protein) drink to avoid DOMS after months of no workout...
To be fair, let's check out what my friend got to say ....
P/S: Pictures was taken when I was 5 months preggy. Besides Performance Drink, I also consume Full Preggy Set from Shaklee. (Shaklee Pregnancy Supplement)
So, if you mommies are worry or feeling hesitate to take Shaklee supplement during pregnancy, it's ok. You can PM/Whatapp/Call me for any inquiry or advice...