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Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Simple Homemade Chicken Burger


Doesn't feel like eating rice tonight. I only have two choices for dinner, either fried noodles or burger. I asked the other half which one he prefers but before he could answer my question, I already have the pictures on how and what I'm going to add on my homemade chicken burgers. 

I have no intention to buy ready made burger coz I really don't like eating those kind of food. So, I bought skinless+boneless chicken and burger's bun. Didn't spend much on this coz we still have a lot of herbs, spices,, etc at home. So, all together, I only spent about RM9 (chicken=RM7 + Burger bun= RM2) for our dinner tonight.

The process......

In case you are wondering what's the yellow cream inside the silver bowl, that's the cheezy cream (it taste exactly like those in KFC, the cheezy wedges cream). I made it myself. It's easy, you just need to buy the cheesy powder (I bought mine from Olivia). It is a must buy things if you are a cheese lover.

Eating in progress.Look at the thickness and the juicy meat!!!....

See, how simple it is. the only time consuming here is grilling the burgers. Since I'm making the meat quite thick, so I need to keep the 'fire' really slow to make sure it's completely cook but still maintaining the juicy. It's worth the waiting... 

P/S: Wanna try making vegetable burgers one fine day.

Emelda Shabelle

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